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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

REALLY TRULY Adult Adult Coloring Books

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I have to be honest and say I love the new Adult Coloring Book trend. Why? Because I have always felt like sitting down with my daughter and coloring (since she was almost 2) was one of the most relaxing things in the world. BUT...I'll be honest...I have also said that I don't have the patience for the new adult coloring books. Let's just say - I'm not good at staying in the lines!

When I saw these I was torn. BUT...thought...what a fun idea for a night with the ladies over a glass of wine. So, what did I do? I shared these with my sister and she bought a few for our next "Sister's Night!" I am so excited!

So...while I may not stay in the lines and make the most beautiful picture, this will be FUN!  It makes for a relaxing (and relatively cheap) night with friends/family - adult family, that is!  If you think these books are inappropriate, know that you aren't alone.  I know, I know...but, there is humor in these.  So, like them or not, they are out there and they can be enjoyed!  I know I will give them a whirl, and I will take pictures before, during, and after and report back to all of you!  So, judge me all you will...I know my sister and I will have a nice night, sans kids!

Here's what she ordered...

**As of this post timing, these colored pencils seem overpriced. She did NOT spend that amount on these pencils, so I am sure the price will go up and down as time goes on.

Thank you to my beautiful sister for the image...AND for investing in a much-needed night without the kids!  Love you, sissy!

1 comment:

Karen said...

As the sissy here...i need this after a really long day of work! There is a lot to be said to color the things you cannot say! Amazingly therapeutic!


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