Upromise is one of my favorite ways to save for my children's education. It is a savings program that rewards you with money for college education, but you may also cash out the money you have saved in your Upromise account and receive a check that you can deposit into your bank account and spend on anything you want! Just submit this form here.
There are so many ways to earn cash into your Upromise account. The main ways I save is by linking my Pick 'n Save card, CVS card, debit, and credit cards. When I purchase a Upromise participating product or shop at a Upromise participating merchant, I get credit into my account balance. I currently have over $20.00 in savings there. To be honest, I forgot that I had connected my credit cards and just noticed that when I ate at Tazinos during our Couponing for a Cause event, I got a credit of $0.33! It might not seem like much, but every penny helps!
One of the quickest and easiest ways to grow your Upromise balance is by using the Upromise e-coupons. Each month Upromise releases about $40 in coupons that you have to load onto your cards at the Upromise website. When you purchase that item with your Pick 'n Save or CVS card, you'll receive the equivalent balance of the coupon in your Upromise account.
For example, if you are planning on buying Comet from Pick 'n Save and "clip" the coupon and it will automatically be registered to your card. If you have a paper coupon from the paper or online, you can use that at checkout as well, giving you double the savings!
Here is a current list of all the Upromise coupons available. If you think you might buy these items, go ahead and load the coupons now. They will be good all month!
$1/2 Glade® Sense & Spray® refills
$1/2 Glade® Automatic Spray refills
$1/1 Glade® décor scents® holder
$1/1 Glade® PlugIns® Scented Oil Twin refill
$0.75/1 Elmer’s Glue
$0.50/1 Elmer’s Foam Board
$1.25/2 Marie’s® Salad Dressings
$0.50/1 Musselman’s® Apple Butter
$1/1 McCain® Sweet Potato Fries
$5/1 GUM® PerioBalance®
$3/1 GUM® PerioShield®
$1/1 GUM® Canker-X®
(Thanks Couponing to Disney!)
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