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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Save some money: How to make your own dryer sheets!

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This is something that even I, not so crafty mama, can do!  It's no secret to my friends and family that my creativity button is ZERO...I don't have a lot of time (with four kids running around, helping to run a blog, being Cookie Mom for my daughter's Girl Scout troop, volunteering at the school, many hats does a mother REALLY wear?!?), so I was thrilled to find something I can do myself that won't cost much and will save a TON! 
As I was doing laundry I ran out of dryer sheets.  I can't stand static in my clothes, so I was in a bind and didn't want my clothing to smell musty, so I looked this up and found something that I thought I would try out...
Making my own dryer sheets!

First, I got out a shallow bowl and poured about a capful of our fabric softener in the bowl. 

Next, I had to find an old rag we had lying around (one of my husband's old white work tees that has been cut into scraps for rags...those are rust stains all over that thing!).

I placed the rag in the bowl and let it soak.  I then rang out the excess softener. 
I have an undergarment hanger in the basement that I hang our undergarments on.  That's where I hung our new "dryer sheet" to dry.  If you don't have a hanger you can use, just lay it flat to let it dry.  It is still drying, but I can't wait to use it!  Instead of pouring the excess laundry detergent into the container, I emptied it into the washer with my next load of laundry! 

 You’ll be able to reuse your sheet at least 15 times before you’ll need to wash it and re-soak it in fabric softener.  I can't wait to try out my new dryer sheet and save some money!

Thanks, Curbly, for the instructions!
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