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Monday, February 27, 2012

Mama Confessions Monday: My Daughter Fell out of the crib

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All of these Mama Confessions will be prefaced with I promise not to judge you if you promise not to judge me...

I think it's very important for us "mamas" to stick together in unity so that we realize...we aren't alone!  We ALL make mistakes (some worse than others, but nevertheless...we ALL make mistakes). 

One of my "bad mama moments" came when my daughter was about 7 months old.  I remember getting her out of her crib and thinking, it's only a matter of time before she takes a tumble and does the dreaded fall out that I have read about a zillion times, so I better lower that crib mattress so that it doesn't happen to my baby.  I thought this every time as I lifted her out...each morning and afternoon.  I had just gotten her into a great routine that worked for both of us.  I had just found out I was pregnant with baby number two, and I was EXHAUSTED!  So, I was laying down on the couch taking my afternoon nap as she snoozed soundly during her second afternoon nap.  Ah...just falling asleep when I hear her babbling away.  UGH!  A few more minutes, I think, as I try to wake myself up.  As I am drifting in and out of the final minutes of my afternoon snooze...BAM...followed by that screech of pain that every mother dreads hearing.  I run into the room to see her laying on the floor...screaming!  My heart sank...if only I had gotten up and went to get her when I heard that first babble.  I held her tightly and did my best to console her.  I looked into her eyes to make sure they were alert and not dilated.  What else?  What else am I supposed to check for?  No blood...but the screeching...she was obviously in pain.  So, I just cuddled her and let her cry into my shoulder.  I sat and cried with her...I must be a terrible mother!  She fell OUT of her crib!  But, I was a little too embarrassed to call the doctor because, surely, I was the  only one who EVER did this, right?!?  Needless to say, when my husband came home from work that night, guess what he did RIGHT away?!?  You got it...moved that mattress down a few notches.
I would love to tell you that after that incident there were no more incidents of falling or climbing out of the crib, but that is not true.  Honestly, all of our children have gotten out of the crib in one way or another...some more than once!  Our second son climbed out and joined me in the kitchen one day while I was cleaning, all smiles!  I couldn't figure out HOW he got out.  There was no loud thud.  There were no tears.  So, my guess is that he climbed right out.
So, I guess the main reason I am choosing to share this with all of you is to give you comfort in knowing that we all make mistakes.  I blame myself for each thud that was heard.  The truth of the matter is that, as parents, we want the best for our children.  However, sometimes in the hustle and the bustle of the day, the things that we KNOW should be done and need to be done get put on the back burner.  I wish it weren't that way for me, but it happens! 
Make sure that, if your son/daughter does fall from the crib that you check to see how alert they are.  If they are lethargic after the fall, CALL THE DOCTOR!  In retrospect, I maybe should have called the doctor.  I tend to wait until the last minute to call the doctor on anything, (that will have to wait for another "Mama Confession") but realistically, they were fine.  I used my judgement.  My "mommy" judgement, and they were fine!  I felt awful after each and every fall because I KNEW that those falls could have been prevented.  I KNOW THAT and I OWN THAT! 
In sharing my story I am hoping that you might be able to relate and may even have a few of your own uh-oh moments or "mama confessions" that you want to share.  Feel free to comment below and let us know your story.
I promise not to judge you...if you promise not to judge me!

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Anonymous said...

Wait until they climb a tree... and land on their back instead of their feet on the way down. Or fall off a porch. Or tumble down that hill. The only way to make a place child proof is to not a have a child. Good point...ALWAYS make sure if you question your child's owie to call the doctor. A child's body is pretty resilient, but medical attention never hurts.

Skirnir Hamilton said...

Okay, my moment of pure panic was when my son fell out of the grocery cart. He was too big to sit in the cart normal, but liked to sit backwards and tended to sit higher than I prefered as it wasn't much to sit on. I was at the register and told him to sit down in his seat. I walked in front of the cart to begin unloading and pulled it forwards and my son fell headfirst out of the grocery cart. For months after that I would wake up in the middle of the night having heard that sound. I swear I heard that sound occasionally for a year or two afterwards. I did watch him for any concussion signs, maybe today I would call the doctor, don't know. But I do worry about that a bit as they seem to say concussions are somewhat cumulative and my son has also been knocked silly in a soccer game or two. I heard the heads hit in one of the games.


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