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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pay it Forward with Blanket Buddies

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Sometimes you hear a story or situation that really pulls at your heartstrings, something that reminds you about some good there is in this world and you just have to do something, reach out...pass on the information...Pay It Forward!

I was recently introduced to the not for profit 501c3 organizations called Blanket Buddies. The mission of Blanket Buddies is to provide physical & spiritual aid to orphans around the world. 

Here is some of their story:

Well, we are known as Blanket Buddies and when we started, we were working with one orphanage in Kherson, Ukraine. At that orphanage, there are  approx. 100 children- ages birth to 4 years.These children lay in cribs all day and very rarely have anyone pick them up and hold them, love on them, etc. We felt lead to do something and the only thing we could think of was to make a blanket for each child. That's how we got started. Since then, we are now working with 7 orphanages in the Ukraine and 2 in Mexico. And even though we still make blankets for the children, we have found that they need medicines much more desperately than the blankets- so we raise funds to help with that. Some of the other  things that we are looking toward in the (hopefully near) future is the purchase of a transition house where the children will go when they get too old for the orphanage. There they will learn trade skills to help them in the outside world. The mattresses these kids sleep on are falling apart and are mere rags... we'd like to raise enough money to at least purchase them some new ones. We've also been praying about the idea of posting individual pictures of some of the children who have been in the orphanage for some time, with information on how they can be sponsored. (100% of every dollar that is donated goes directly to the orphans- everyone that is associated with Blanket Buddies volunteer their time and talents).

As I read through the Blanket Buddies Blog, the Blanket Buddies website and their Facebook & Twitter pages, I thanked God that there are people out there who have the ability and the willingness to reach out to those little ones in need! I also have a strong need to help children, particularly those who are in orphanages around the world.  For these reasons and more, the mission of the Blanket Buddies (and the plight of the orphans they are helping) is very near & dear to my heart, SO, I am reaching out to my readers to send Blanket Buddies a little support as well!

So, what can you (our readers) do to help Blanket Buddies with their wonderful mission?
  • Pray--for the children, for the orphanage workers, for the Blanket Buddies volunteers
  • Follow the Blanket Buddies Blog, learn more about their story & the good they are doing
  • Follow Blanket Buddies on Twitter
  • Follow Blanket Buddies on Facebook
  • Follow Blanket Buddies on Google Friend Connect
  • Donate Money--remember 100% goes to the orphan and they are a non-profit 501c3 organization
  • Volunteer to help in any way you can
  • Spread the word about Blanket Buddies & their mission

I encourage each one of you to Pay it Forward to Blanket Buddies as little or as much as you are able. The orphans in the Ukraine & Mexico are counting on them for help.

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