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Friday, January 21, 2011

Kick Start Your New Years: Exercise Day Twenty One: Mountain Climbers

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Exercise Day Twenty One:  Mountain Climbers
1. Begin in a push-up position (arms lined up with the chest, legs extended out)
2. Make sure to keep the head in line with the body and the stomach muscles contracted throughout the range of motion.
3. Start the movement by bringing the right knee to the chest and back to starting position.
4. Quickly alternate to the left leg and continue this movement for a timed period (anywhere from 30 seconds - 5 minutes).


Easy Exercise Tip:
  • One thing that drives me crazy is when my children treat me like a jungle gym!  Well, here we are in the dead of winter...the kids need to get outside (as do I, for that matter!) and I have once again become the jungle gym!  One thing I have been doing with my 18 month old is bouncing him on my leg.  This is GREAT exercise!  He crawls onto my legs and I do leg lifts...I can only do a dozen or so at a time before I feel the burn, but it's a great way to get your child giggling and you some quick exercise!
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