Print a copy of Target's Official Coupon Policy to take with you since they have updated their policy.
Target is also paying $0.05 for every reusable tote bag that you use at checkout!
Note: Some of these sales are available at Super Target only
Personal Size Watermelon $3.49 each
Cantaloupe or honeydew $2.49 each
Red seedless California grapes $0.99/lb
Cucumbers $0.79 each
Dole Romaine Salad $2.49
Ribeye Steaks $5.99/lb
Gold’n Plump boneless, skinless chicken breasts family pack $6.99
Jimmy Dean roll sausage $2.49
(03/28 RP) save $1.00/2 or B1G1 FREE
Final Price, $2.49/2 or $1.99 each
Hillshire Farm smoked sausage $2.49
(05/16 RP) save $1.00/2
Printable Coupon save $0.55 HERE (FF) or HERE (IE)
Final Price, $1.94 or $1.99 each
Kraft Salad dressing $1.89
Printable coupon B2G1 FREE
Final Price, $1.26 each
Thomas’ English muffins or bagels $2.04
March All You save $1.00 Honey Wheat
Final Price, $1.04
Kashi frozen meals, cereal or snacks $2.88
Get $5 Gift wyb 5
June All You save $0.75 Frozen products
Final Price, $1.73 each (with one coupon) or $1.13 each (if you can get 5 coupons)
Final Price w/o coupons, $1.88 each
DiGiorno for one 4/$10
(05/16 SS) save $1.00/2
Final price, $2.00 each
DiGiorno Frozen pizza 2/$10
(05/16 SS) save $1.00
Final Price, $4.00
Market Pantry Snacks $1.50
Get 1 FREE wyb 4
Final Price, $1.20 each
Peanut M&M's 12.6oz. $2.49
(05/02 RP) B2G1 Free (regional)
Final Price, 1.66 each
Hershey Kisses 12oz. $2.49
(04/11 SS) save $1.00/2 Meltaway or Caramel
(04/11 SS) save $1.00/3
Final Price, $1.99 or $2.16 each
Suave 32-oz. men’s 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner or 22.5-oz. kids’ 3-in-1 shampoo, conditioner and body wash $2.50
(04/25 RP) save $0.75 Target Coupon (regional)
Final Price, $1.75
Huggies big packs diapers or Pull-ups $19.99
Get $5 Gift Card wyb 2
Printable Coupon save $3.00
Final Price, $14.49 each wyb 2
Huggies wipe refills 184- or 216-ct. $5.49
Printable Coupon save $2.00/2
Final Price, $4.49
Charmin 30-pk. big-roll or 16-pk. mega roll $14.99
(05/16 RP) save $1.00 Target Coupon (regional)
(05/02 P&G) save $0.25/1 or $1.00/2
Final Price, $13.74 or $13.49 each (with both coupons) or $14.74 or $14.49 (with only MFC)
Angel Soft 36-pk. double-roll $14.99
Printable Coupon save $0.50
Final Price, $14.49
Pledge Fabric Sweeper for pet hair $4.17
(05/02 SS) save $1.00
Final Price, $3.17
Pledge Polish $3.49
(05/16 SS) save $1.00
Final Price, $2.49
Tide 75-oz. liquid laundry detergent $8.99
(05/16 SS) save $1.00 Target Coupon (regional)
(05/02 P&G) save $1.00
Final Price, $6.99 (with both coupons) or $7.99 (w/ only MFC)
16-lb. Meow Mix cat & 17.6-lb. Kibbles ’n Bits dog $11.49
Get $5 Gift Card wyb 2
Printable coupon save $1.50/1 Meow Mix
(04/11 RP) save $2.00 or $1.50 Kibbles 'n Bits
Final Price, $7.49 each
Banzai Wave Breaker heavy-duty water park $449 (reg. $549)
Printable Coupon save $40 (look under "kids" to find coupon)
Final price, $409
Splash Blast water slide $299
Printable Coupon save $40
Final price, $169
Extra Target Deals - these are unadvertised and may not be the same for all locations -Thanks Totally Target for these deals!
Wish Bone Salad Spritzers 7 oz OR Wish-Bone 16 oz Dressing $1.33 (Temporary Price Cut TPC Until 6/12)
Use $0.50/1 Wishbone coupon (IE) (FF Link)
PLUS Use $0.75/1 Wish-bone Target coupon from 4/25 insert
Final Price, $0.08 after coupons
Rimmel super extra lash mascara $2.24 (reg price)
Use $2/1 Rimmel Item (All You coupon)
Final Price, $0.24 each after coupon
Dove Body mist $2.99 (TPC until 5/22)
Use $1.50/1 Dove body mist/Deodorant
Use $1/1 Dove body care target printable coupon
Final Price, $0.49 each after coupons
Dove Body mist $3.49 (reg price)
Use $1.50/1 Dove body mist/Deodorant
Use $1/1 Dove body care target printable coupon
Final Price, $0.49 each after coupons
Eucerin Daily Skin Balance 2.47 oz $4.99 Reg price
Use $1/1 Eucerin Hand or Body Product 4/25/2010 RP Insert (exp 6/30/2010) or printable (IE) or Printable (FF)
PLUS Use $2/1 Eucerin Target printable or from 5/16 insert
Final Price, $1.99 after coupons
If your store lets you use a coupon on a trial size items you can get the following for free or cheap
Herbal Essence shampoo, conditioner trial size $0.97
Use $1/1 Herbal Essences Product 5/16/2010 RP Insert (exp 6/30/2010)
Final Price, FREE after coupon
Johnson and Johnson First Aid travel kit travel size $0.97
Use $0.75/1 J&J Red Cross Product, any 5/16/2010 RP Insert (exp 7/31/2010)
Final Price, $0.22 each after coupon
Jergen’s Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer 2 oz Size $1.99
Use $2/1 Jergens Natural Glow printable
Final Price, FREE after coupon
There are lots of great Kraft coupons to print at Target.com right now. Don't hesitate to print them as they may disappear soon!!
To purchase any regional coupons that were not offered in your area, I recommend The Coupon Clippers.
Find more coupons at Coupons.com, RedPlum.com, UPromise, CoolSavings and All You Magazine.
*Check out the Coupon Database if you are looking for more coupons to match up with this week's advertisement.
Thanks My Baton Rouge Mommy!
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