Print a copy of Target's Official Coupon Policy to take with you since they have updated their policy.
Target is also paying $0.05 for every reusable tote bag that you use at checkout!
Note: Some of these sales are available at Super Target only
Strawberries $1.99
Hothouse Tomatoes $2.49/lb
Mushrooms 16oz. $2.49
5-lb. bag Market Pantry® russet potatoes $1.99
3-lb. bag yellow onions $1.49
Dole Spinach $2.49
Cucumbers or green bell peppers $0.79 each
Market Pantry navel oranges 5lb. $2.49
Sutton & Dodge® London broil $1.99/lb
Hormel Always Tender assorted bone-in pork chops $1.99/lb
Buitoni frozen meals $7.49
Target Printable Coupon save $1.50
Stack with (02/07 SS) save $1.50
Final Price, $4.49
DiGiorno Pizza 2/$10
Printable Coupon save $1.00
Final Price, $4.00
Banquet Frozen Meals $1.00
Printable Coupon save $1.50/4
Final Price, $0.63 each
Pillsbury Simply ready-to-bake cookies $2.50
Printable Coupon save $1.00/2
Final Price, $2.00
CoffeeMate creamer 16-oz $1.79
Printable Coupon save $1.00
Final Price, $0.79
Land O Lakes spreadable butter with canola oil 8-oz. $1.99
Printable Coupon save $0.50
(03/14 SS) save $1.00/2, $0.35/1, or $0.50/2
Final Price, $1.50
Thomas English Muffins $1.89
March All You save $1.00 Honey Wheat
Final Price, $0.89
Silk Soy Milk 64oz $2.69
(4/11 SS) save $1.00
Final Price, $1.69
Silk Pure Almond Milk 64oz $2.99
(4/11 SS)save $1.25
Final Price, $1.74
Chex Mix $1.50
(03/07 SS) save $1.00/2
Final Price, $1.00
Ortega SpongeBob taco kit or 12 ct Dinner Kit $2.00
Printable Coupon save $1.00/2
Final Price, $1.50 each
Ozarka Water 24 pack $3.50
(03/07 RP) save $1.00/1 or $1.00/2
Final Price, $2.50 or $3.00
Ozarka Water 12 pack $1.99
(03/07 RP) save $1.00/1 or $1.00/2
Final Price, $0.99 or $1.49
Sobe Lifewater $1.00
Printable Coupon B1G1 FREE
Final Price, $0.50
Ziploc bags or containers $2.27
(04/11 SS) B1G1 Slider bags
(03/21 SS) save $0.55 r $1.00/2 Bags
(03/21 SS) save $1.50/2 Containers
Final Price, as low as $1.14 each
*SC Johnson rebate
Glade room spray $2.49
Printable Coupon save $1.00
Final Price, $1.49
*SC Johnson rebate
Weleda Skin Food $8.99
Printable Coupon save $3.00
Final Price, $5.99
Seventh Generation dish soap 25-oz $2.49
Printable Coupon save $1.00
Final Price, $1.49
Herbal Essences $2.50
(04/04 P&G or 03/14 RP) save $1.00
Final Price, $1.50
Green Works $2.49
Printable Coupon save $0.75/1
Final Price, $1.74
GE Energy Smart Glass Covered Light Bulb $5.00
Printable Target Coupon save $2.00
Stack with printable coupon save $1.00
(04/18 SS) save $1.00
Final Price, $2.00
Find more coupons at Coupons.com, RedPlum.com, UPromise, CoolSavings and All You Magazine.
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