There are a ton of Earth Day freebies, deals and good causes, both local and national. Here are some great examples! Thanks Laura for compiling this great list!

Stop by Origins on Thursday, 4/22, to get a FREE full sized cleanser when you trade your current cleanser.
This comes from their Facebook page!
“We’ll trade you for FREE. One day only – 4/22. Bring your current skincare to any Origins counter and we’ll trade it for a full-size of one of our gentle, high-performance cleansers. Choose either: Checks and Balances™ Frothy face wash Or a Perfect World™ Antioxidant cleanser with White Tea. Value up to $20!”
Deals, Events, Freebies & Activities

If you own a bunch of old make-brushes, sponges, etc. now is the time to do something with them! You can send them off to EcoTools for their Look Gorgeous, Love Green Campaign.
EcoTools will collect used cosmetic brushes and bath + body care products and swap them for an EcoTools alternative AND a sample pack. Examples of items to swap include:
* makeup brushes
* body washes and scrubs
* body lotions/butters
* hand creams
* body mists
* bath sponges
For each item turned in, participants will receive a coupon for a FREE EcoTools alternative (up to $7.99 value; limit 2 coupons per person). The EcoTools coupon(s) will be sent to participants within a month of receiving the swapped product(s). The items collected will be recycled. If you are not familiar with EcoTools, click here to see where they can be purchased.
Cosmetic brushes and bath + body care products should be mailed to:
Look Gorgeous, Love Green Campaign
c/o Skirt Public Relations
2320 N. Damen Ave., #2D
Chicago, IL 60647

Linens N Things is offering Earth Friendly Savings: 20% Off One Item! Coupon Code: EARTH2010

Get a Free reusable bag at Babies R Us with printable coupon good now through 4/22.

At CVS Use your Extra Care Card and score a FREE Green Bag Tag, which rewards you $1 ECB on every 4th use!
Discovery Channel Store - Lowest prices offered on top3 DVD Sets! One day only!
#1) Get Life and Planet Earth Blu-ray complete series sets for $50 (71% off!)
#2) Buy Planet Earth and Blue Planet DVD sets together for $40 (75% off!)
#3) New series Life and Nature's Most Amazing Events DVD sets for $40 (56% off!)
To celebrate EARTH DAY, for EVERY book purchased on McKenzie Books'website this Thursday, April 22nd, the will plant a tree with the help of American Forests.
Cascadian Farm wants you to join the celebration by pledging to follow a few eco-friendly tips on Facebook. Choose from eight different pledges, ranging from reusing clothes to reducing your speed while driving on the highway, and find the one that fits your lifestyle. For each person that signs a pledge now through May 31st Cascadian Farm will donate $1 up to $40,000 to the Organic Farming Research Foundation, which fosters the improvement and widespread adoption of organic farming systems.
Initiate a positive change for healthier foods and a healthier earth by visiting here and signing the pledge that's right for you. Visit here to print a $1 off coupon!
To make it easier to experience America's Great Outdoors, the National Park Service is waiving entrance fees, so visitors can enjoy all 392 national parks for free April 17-25. Click here for more information!

BBC Earth is offering Planet Earth’s first episode for free instant download on iTunes April 12-26, 2010
Celebrate Earth Day Thursday, April 22 at the Disney Store. Just bring 6 empty plastic water bottles or soda cans to be recycled, and receive a FREE Eco-Friendly Baseball Cap.
Scholastic.com is celebrating Earth Month by offering 15% off on all purchases with code AFFEARTH
Hanes and the Arbor Day Foundation are teaming up to plant trees to celebrate Earth Day 2010!
When you buy 3 Hanes products, the Arbor Day Foundation will plant a tree, up to 20,000, on Hanes behalf. PLUS, you’ll also get a FREE Earth Day T-Shirt. Offer is good from April 1, 2010 – May 15, 2010. Click HERE for all the details and to get your claim form.

Amazon has a new site here
Amazon.com also has a large selection of green and sustainable goods year-round here

Petsmart is offering their reusable tote for $1.99 and 100% of the proceeds go to their PetSmart Charities! Helping animals and the Earth..what could sound better? :)
Earth Week Activities for the Kiddos
Here are a bunch of fun activities you can do with your kids to celebrate Earth Week All of these ideas reuse products you probably already have. Use. Reuse. Recycle.
Recycled Earth Crayons-Take green and blue broken crayons and melt them together to make Earth crayons! Go here for directions.
Paper Bag Teddy Bear- Use paper bags from the grocery store to make a cute bear. Go here for directions.
All of these activities came from Baby Center.
Thanks Kristin!
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